Since last December, I’ve been getting deep cleanings, and my teeth still fall out. This is crazy. My dentist says I don’t come often enough (three weeks). I am so frustrated. My teeth are so damaged that I prefer to quit the anxiety of losing teeth, get them extracted, and just get dentures. Is there anything else my dentist should try? Thank You. Earl from Cleveland, OH
Thank you for contacting us. We understand that your experience must be frustrating. Dr. Pumphrey would need to x-ray your teeth and examine them and your gums for an accurate diagnosis. Still, if you continue to lose teeth despite deep cleaning, you have advanced gum disease that is not improving. An underlying condition may prevent your gums from healing, so you need intervention from a gum specialist (periodontist).
What Are Your Options for Implant Dentures?
All-on-4 Dental Implants
Although individual implants are not within your budget, implant dentures may be more affordable. Four to six implants can support a denture. A periodontist can evaluate your health, determine if you have lost jawbone volume, and how to prevent you from losing more teeth. Your oral health and the condition of your teeth will determine whether your remaining teeth are savable.
What Can You Expect with Removable Dentures?
Removable dentures decrease your chewing efficiency. Dentures can help you feel better about your oral health and smile when natural teeth deteriorate. A periodontist must treat your gum disease before taking impressions of your mouth and preparing you for dentures.
Request a referral to a periodontist to discuss treatment for improving gum disease and whether you are a candidate for implant dentures. Stabilizing a denture with implants will relieve your gums and jawbones from the pressure of a denture rubbing on them.
You can self-refer if your dentist refuses to refer you to a periodontist. Your family members and acquaintances may be able to refer you to a periodontist. Otherwise, you can search online and look at each doctor’s training, experience, and patient cases.
Dr. David Pumphrey, an Atlanta periodontist, sponsors this post. Call to request a consultation.