My implant overdenture was supposed to be ready in mid-September, but it is late. The final denture that the dentist tried to fit on the implant didn’t fit right. I knew it wouldn’t because he had to force-fit it. The impact was so hard that I felt that he would never be able to get it off. Anyway, at the next appointment, the dentist still could not fit the denture, and I asked him to stop trying. It was too stressful, and I felt like I was having an anxiety attack.
When I checked two weeks ago, his dental assistant said they ordered something for the attachments so the dentures would fit properly. They were supposed to call me last week with an update, but I haven’t heard anything. I am tired of the chase and very suspicious that I will be displeased even if the dentist can get the denture on the implants this time. I just want a refund and a new dentist. Where do I start? Thanks. Gwen from Mobile, AL
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Can You Get a Refund for a Late Implant Overdenture?
Implant-supported denture
Yes, you could get a refund for a late implant-supported denture if your dentist broke the agreement. Your prosthesis is over two months late, and the dental office has failed to update you recently. If your dentist is hesitant to refund you, try the following:
- Get a second opinion from a periodontist to identify the problem
- Leave bad online reviews
- Complain to the state dental board
How Can You Get a Quality Implant Overdenture?
You can get a quality implant-supported denture that fits and functions well by scheduling an appointment with an experienced periodontist to examine your implants and ensure they are well-positioned and ready for a denture. A periodontist has at least two years of post-graduate training to specialize in teeth, gum, and bone health and implant placement. Dental schools provide limited training on implant training, so a dentist must pursue post-graduate training to provide quality implant services.
Look for two to three periodontists and schedule appointments for a consultation to discuss your options. A specialist can work with a restoring dentist for a fixed denture that fits and functions well.
Atlanta periodontist Dr. David Pumphrey sponsors this post.