We use ditigal x-rays because they offer many benefits to both doctor and patient. To begin with, digital x-rays expose our patients to less radiation by focusing on the area of interest. The x-rays are then available immediately, allowing us to proceed with diagnosis and treatment rather than waiting for film to develop. The x-rays are displayed on a monitor, so your doctor can review them with you right away, and enhance your understanding of the options that are available for your treatment.
This technology helps us shorten your appointment time by giving us the enhanced ability to diagnosis and plan treatment for conditions that might not otherwise have been detected.
The Safety of Dental X-rays
Recently there have been several stories in the media implying that dental x-rays are dangerous. According to the American Society of Radiologic Technicians web site, “Dental x-rays are one of the lowest radiation dose studies performed. A routine exam which includes 4 bitewings is about 5 microsieverts, which is less than one day of natural background radiation. It is also about the same amount of radiation exposure from a short airplane flight of one to two hours.” To put this in perspective, a medical cardiac CT scan has 16,000 microsieverts of radiation while a full set of 18 digital dental films like we use in our office produces only four microsieverts of radiation and our dental CT scan has only about 80 microsieverts.