My right front tooth recently broke at the gumline after a root canal. My dentist placed a temporary crown secured with a metal screw post. While I’m experiencing a constant dull feeling in my nasal cavity, I don’t have any pain. Is the screw post enough to save my tooth and prevent the cost of an implant? – Thank you. Erik from SD
While screw posts are generally secure, they can exert significant stress on the root, potentially leading to fractures. The stress on your tooth may cause a dull feeling in your nasal cavity. However, we recommend monitoring the situation and waiting to see if the symptoms worsen.
Dental implant
Unfortunately, teeth that break at the gumline are often challenging to restore. The constant forces on front teeth can compromise the stability of the crown and post over time. While it’s worth attempting a crown-and-post restoration, it may not be a long-term solution.
In hindsight, it might have been beneficial for your dentist to place a traditional post in the tooth before it fractured. The post could have provided a more stable foundation for the crown.
If a dental bridge is outside your budget, a removable partial denture (flipper) is more affordable and may be an alternative to a dental implant and crown. Meanwhile, you may consult a periodontist to discuss the advantages of planning for a dental implant and how to make treatment affordable.
Dr. David Pumphrey, an Atlanta periodontist, sponsors this post.