My husband had dental implants for his implant overdentures. Right now he has the acrylic dentures. Then, he’ll get the permanent dentures made of porcelain. I have chemical sensitivities and there is the strongest rubber smell coming from his dental implants. I have to sleep with the covers over my face. I tried talking to his dentist about it, but the surgeon insists that he needs the titanium implants. I want the metal-free ones. My husband is not too keen on doing everything over, which I understand, but he’s not the one with the sensitivity. I’m sort of alone on this one. Can you help me out?
Dear Selina,
I don’t think the titanium implants are what you are smelling. Titanium is quite inert. One thing you can do to verify what I’m saying is ask your husband’s dentist if you can smell a titanium implant. You will find that they don’t really have a smell, especially a rubber smell. It is possible the acrylic denture is giving off a smell or maybe your husband has food and debris caught underneath the denture. You could purchase a Waterpik to help him get everything out from underneath that denture.
Replacing the implants is not a good idea. In the process of removing them, he’d lose some bone which is what helps to keep the dental implants in. In order to get new dental implants, he’ll have to have an additional procedure, called bone grafting, in order to build that bone back up. Then, after all of that, he will need to start his dental implant procedures over again. I think this is a lot to ask of your husband when it is extraordinarily unlikely that the implants are the problem.
I recommend getting the Waterpik and waiting for the porcelain implant overdentures. You’ll be very likely to not have a problem after that.
This blog is brought to you by Atlanta Periodontist Dr. David Pumphry.