I’m in a bit of a pinch. I have four upper implants that my denture snaps onto. I need the male retention caps replaced periodically. My dentist charges $30 for one individual piece. This is more than I can continue to afford. I see that online you can get them for $20 for a set. However, because I am not a dentist, I can’t order them. Do you know a way around this?
Mark L.
Dear Mark,
Snap-on dentures are affordable dental implants
Times are tough these days and I completely understand the need to save money. There are three possibilities here. I am certain one of them will work for you.
First, I would start by asking your dentist if he would be willing to sell them to you for a little less. I know that they mark things up in order to cover some of their overhead, but this particular item won’t make much of a difference in his or her overhead and will certainly help a struggling patient.
If it turns out your dentist says no, then I would simply call around to other offices. Most dental staff are compassionate people who want to help others. I would explain the situation and see if they are willing to work with you. Often, the dentist is not even the one who does the ordering, but one of his staff members.
Finally, if that doesn’t work, you can order these yourself but will need to do it through a company that is not specifically a dental supply company. I’m seeing sets on eBay for the price you mentioned. These are available from overseas sellers who do not require you to be a dentist. Just make certain you know exactly what you need because there are various strengths to these so you’ll want to make sure you order the right thing.
Best of Luck!
This blog is brought to you by Atlanta Periodontist Dr. David Pumphrey.
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